Developer iOS News security Software

Instagram changes APIs, feed access to third-party apps following discovery of malware

In the wake of a security breach, you make changes. Following the recent discovery of the InstaAgent malware, which was Instagram passwords from users, Instagram has instituted much stricter rules for accessing its API, effectively killing off a large number of apps that read Instagram feeds. Over on its developer web site, Instagram explained that […]

Android iOS News security Software

Apple, Google remove InstaAgent app after password-stealing malware detected

This is the joy of the war against malware. Both Apple and Google have removed the InstaAgent app from their respective app stores after it was discovered that the app was storing users’ Instagram usernames and passwords in an unencrypted form, before sending them on to unknown servers. InstaAgent, which tied in with Instagram, had […]

iOS News Software

This is Nifty: YourMoji allows for custom emoji creation from any image file

Jason pointed this out and it looks interesting. ScStan LLC’s YourMoji allows users to create and edit emojis and stickers directly from your iOS device. Once created, the emojis can be sent via any social media and messaging app, including iMessage, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Instagram and Twitter.

Finance News Software

Citigroup raises Instagram valuation from $16 billion to $35 billion

You may not think Instagram is the best use of your time, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have an extremely strong market value. Per TechCrunch, Citigroup raised the valuation of Instagram this morning from US$19 billion to US$35 billion. The photo-sharing network recently announced it had surpassed 300 million active users, and has taken […]

Accessory App Store Apps iOS iPhone Software Wearables

Pebble app updated for iOS with better notification support

The latest version of the iOS Pebble app finally hit the AppStore Monday, implementing changes that were announced last week in an online announcement by Pebble. The Pebble Smartwatch app hit version 1.3.0 and adds support for additional app notifications in iOS 7. Previously, notifications were limited to mainly email, text messages, and Caller ID. […]