Following the launch of the new Mac MacBook Air on Monday, Apple has also adjusted the trade-in values of several machines in its lineup. Some units, such as the MacBook Pro and Mac Studio, have increased in value while others have depreciated. Trade-in prices for the MacBook Pro, Mac Studio, and MacBook have increased, while […]
Tag: iMac
If you’re eager to repair your M3 Mac, you’re going to like this. Apple has announced that it will expand its self-service repair program to the M3 iMac, the M3 14-inch MacBook Pro, and the M3 16-inch MacBook Pro. Per a trio of support documents published on Thursday, the company will allow customers to purchase […]
Rumor: Apple to release updated iPad Air, iPad Pro, and MacBook Air models towards the end of March
Apple seems likely to launch new iPad Air, iPad Pro, and MacBook Air models “around the end of March,” according to Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman in his latest Power On newsletter, which was published on Sunday. The iPad Air models are expected to gain a new 12.9-inch display size as well as an updated 10.9-inch model. […]
It never hurts to update a good thing. Per Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman, Apple plans to refresh its MacBook Air notebook around March 2024. The notebook is rumored to feature an M3 processor and be available for the 13-inch and 15-inch versions of the notebook. As Apple overhauled the MacBook Air’s design in 2022 and then […]
If you were holding your breath for a 27-inch Apple Silicon iMac, you might want to exhale. Apple has confirmed to The Verge and other publications that the company has no plans for a 27-inch unit. Apple discontinued both the Intel-based 27-inch iMac and iMac Pro over the past two years, and it has yet […]