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Iconfactory’s Tapestry goes live, functions as aggregator for macOS

For years, the cool cats at Iconfactory have dispensed some incredibly nifty apps an utilities for the Mac. The company’s newest one, Tapestry, functions as an aggregator that works with some of your favorite sources across the Web. The app taps into sources such as Tumblr, Mastodon, RSS, as well as third-party connectors to offer […]

Apple Apple Silicon Apps Developer Fun Hack Mac macOS Monterey News Software

Iconfactory releases Notchmeister app, allows for MacBook Pro Menu Bar decoration

As nifty as Apple’s 2021 MacBook Pro notebooks may be, the notch at the top of the new 14-inch and 16-inch notebooks has created its own measure of controversy. Developer Iconfactory delivered a virtual holiday gift for Apple users on Friday with the release of Notchmeister, an app for notched MacBook Pros that, in the words […]

iOS News Software

IconFactory celebrates 20th anniversary with old-school BitCam app

This could be pretty nifty. The IconFactory has released BitCam, a small graphics app that creates a retro feel for the pictures on your iOS device. Created to celebrate the IconFactory’s 20th anniversary, the app is done in something of a Mac OS 6 feel, complete with old camera click sounds when you take a […]