Apple on Wednesday released its version 15.5.1 update for the HomePod and HomePod mini smart speakers. The update, which arrives only a week and a half after the launch of the 15.5 software for the HomePod, addresses an issue that could cause music to stop playing after a short time. HomePod software is installed automatically on […]
Tag: HomePod mini
Apple has quietly discontinued selling the Beats Pill+ as well as the Beddit Sleep Monitor from its online storefront. Beddit, the Apple-owned sleep tracking and monitoring service, launched the Beddit Sleep Monitor 3.5 in late 2018, roughly a year and a half after the firm was acquired. Three years later, it’s no longer being sold. […]
It may be a bit easier than you thought to snag an iPhone 13 this holiday season. According to sources within Apple’s supply chain, suppliers have managed to ease the shortage of certain components, thereby allowing production of the smartphone to accelerate. At present, estimated shipping times for the iPhone 13 were spanning weeks, if […]
Because, as with the classic iMac and iBook, it’s hard to go wrong offering your products in a nifty arrange of colors. Over at its “Unleashed” media event, Apple has just announced that its HomePod mini speakers will be available in three new color options: yellow, blue, and orange. The units will retain the current […]
Although Apple Music will be gaining support for both the Spatial Audio and Lossless Audio formats in June, it’s been confirmed that the HomePod and HomePod mini smart speakers will not support Lossless Audio. Spatial Audio, based on Dolby Atmos, is an immersive three-dimensional audio format that enables musicians to mix music so it sounds […]