News Software

SpamSieve updated to 2.8.8

Michael Tsai’s must-have shareware program, SpamSieve, has just been updated to version 2.8.8. The new version, an 8.8 megabyte download, adds the following fixes and improvements: – Improved compatibility with pre-release versions of Mac OS X. – Added support for Postbox 3.0. – Added support for Growl 1.3. – Made various changes to improve SpamSieve’s […]

News Software

Carbon Copy Cloner updated to 3.4.2

Late Tuesday, Carbon Copy Cloner, the shareware favorite for drive cloning operations by Mike Bombich, reached version 3.4.2. The new version, a 5.2 megabyte download, adds the following fixes and changes: – Fixed an issue in which scheduled tasks with a remote Macintosh specified as the source would not run properly if the scheduled task […]

iPhone Rumor

Rumor: Apple may incorporate widgets, new mapping technology into iOS 5

The widgets: they can be useful. And for that reason they may find themselves a part of iOS 5. Per TechCrunch, Apple is looking to incorporate Widgets (small programs in floating windows that provide quick access to information or functions, such as weather, or website news feeds) into iOS 5. Google Android already has widgets, […]

News security Software

“MAC Defender” trojan goes live, prompts users for credit card information

Security firm Intego announced Monday that a fake antivirus program for Mac OS X has been discovered in the wild. While the threat potential remains low, inexperienced users could be fooled into paying to remove fake viruses “detected” by the software, and in the process, could end up giving credit card information to scammers. Per […]

News Software

VLC 1.1.9 update released

Video Lan Client, the nigh-indispensable open source media player for multiple audio and video formats (MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, Divx, ogg, etc.), was updated to version 1.1.9. The new version, a 42.1 megabyte download, adds the following fixes and changes: – Security update regarding a heap-based buffer overflow in mp4 demuxer. – Update of libmodplug for […]