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Rumor: Apple to include vapor chamber cooling system in at least one iPhone 17 model

According to multiple reports, at least one next-gen iPhone model will receive a high-tech liquid cooling system known as a “vapor chamber.” The rumor, which has been cited by a third source as of Wednesday, will include the new cooling system, which is designed to take on additional heat when Apple chips have to perform […]

Hack News privacy security Software

Security analysts find hidden malware payload attacks in graphic files, begin to study new technique

You’re not going to love this, but a group of security designers have apparently discovered that a new way of attacking the macOS with malware is being used. The researchers have noted that malicious online advertising found to have used steganography to disguise its payload within an ad’s image files, in order to fool security […]

iMac News Software

Apple releases iMac Graphic FW Update 2.0 to resolve sleep issue

Late Wednesday, Apple released an iMac graphic firmware update on Wednesday to resolve a startup and wake from sleep hanging issue. The iMac Graphic FW Update 2.0, a 699KB download, “fixes an issue that in rare cases may cause an iMac to hang during startup or waking from sleep.” The update requires Mac OS X […]