
Cocktail 4.3.4 (Leopard Edition) Released

On Wednesday, shareware developer Maintain released version 4.3.4 of Cocktail (Tiger Edition), Cocktail, the popular shareware utility program that allows for additional Mac OS X system tests. The new version, a 1.9 megabyte download, adds the following fixes and changes: Fixed minor compatibility issues with Mac OS X 10.5.7. Fixed compatibility with Firefox and Google […]

iPod shuffle Software

Apple Releases VoiceOver Kit 1.0.1 Update for iPod Shuffle

Late Friday, Apple released its VoiceOver Kit 1.0.1, an update containing several fixes for the newest generation of its iPod Shuffle media player. According to Macworld UK, the update, a 17 megabyte download contains corrected pronunciations for several artist names as well as a series of unspecified minor bug fixes. The update is currently not […]