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OCR-based crypto wallet theft programs surface in Apple, Android app stores

It’s a bit of a technical story about apps that wound up on both the Apple and Google app stores, but it’s interesting. In March 2023, a group of security researchers at ESET discovered malware implants embedded into various messaging app mods. Some of these scanned users’ image galleries in search of crypto wallet access […]

Apple Apps Developer Hack iCloud macOS News privacy security

CloudMensis malware now in the wild, makes use of cloud-based storage services to attack computers

A newly discovered malware strain for Macs, dubbed “CloudMensis,” has begun making the rounds and seems to have located a previously unknown macOS backdoor that could be used to spy on users with compromised Macs. Discovered by the cybersecurity firm ESET, the malware has been named CloudMensis due to the way it utilizes cloud storage […]

macOS News security Software

Transmission BitTorrent client found to be spreading OS X/Keydnap malware

The malware beast raises its head once again. Transmission, a popular BitTorrent client, has been discovered to once again be distributing Mac-based malware under version 2.92, months after it was used to spread a strand of ransomware. Researchers at security firm ESET have been following a malware called OSX/Keydnap, which can steal passwords, and noticed […]

Hack macOS News OS X security Software

Additional malware strains for Macs surface, GateKeeper still recommended as means of protection

After a hiatus, a trio of three new discovered Mac malware strains have emerged. The strains, once installed, have the potential to access Web cameras, password keychains, and pretty much every other resource on an infected machine. The first one, as mentioned yesterday, has been dubbed “Elanor” by researchers at antivirus provider Bitdefender and is […]