News Software

This is Nifty: QuickShot

The mighty Jason O’Grady threw this out there as a cool thing worth looking into. He might have a point. QuickShot allows you to manage, view and share screenshots taken within OS X, making your images immediately draggable from your menubar.

Apple Watch iOS News Software Watch OS Wearables WWDC

Apple announces watchOS 2, new features such as video playback, more accessible development environment

Apple pulled the curtain back on watchOS 2, its upcoming operating system for the Apple Watch, on Monday. The new version, which will be available in the fall, is said to feature added support for native third-party apps, on-screen video playback, and a collection of many new features for both users and developers. The upcoming […]

iCloud Legal News Software

Apple may be censoring iCloud email, “filter” cited

This seems a bit unsavory. Per a lengthy post over on Reddit, a user under the handle of “Unagi33” has given a detailed description as to how Apple may be censoring their iCloud email. The story goes through the user’s transition from Gmail to iCloud-based email, initial problems the user experienced and a description as […]

iCloud News security Software

iDict brute-force security tool for hacking iCloud account passwords becomes available on GitHub

This may be worth keeping an eye on if you’re concerned about iCloud security. Per 9to5Mac, a new tool submitted to developer web site GitHub claims to be able to perform password dictionary attacks on any iCloud account, seemingly able to evade detection from Appleā€™s rate-limiting security that is supposed to prevent such dictionary attacks […]

iOS News Software Uncategorized

Contrast launches Group Text+, Email+ apps for iOS

It’s neat stuff in a road warrior kind of way. On Tuesday, Contrast, makers of Launch Center Pro, launched a pair of shortcut programs for iOS. The first app, Group Text+, makes it easy to message the people you care about using iMessage and SMS. Users can mix and match contacts, groups, images, and text […]