App Store Apple Apps Business Developer Finance iTunes News retail

Apple offers easy relief donation tool through UNICEF to assist with crisis in Ukraine

Apple has made it easier for users to donate to Ukrainian relief efforts through UNICEF via a banner on to of its website that connects to an iTunes page that allows for quick donations up to $200 using the Apple ID payment method. Apple says that all donations made through the iTunes portal will go […]

App Store Apple iTunes iTunes Music Store iTunes Store News

Apple begins collecting Red Cross donations via the App Store to assist with Australian fire relief efforts

Apple has begun a campaign through its App Store in collaboration with the Red Cross allowing users to donate to relief efforts for the fires in Australia. The company has foregone its usual 30 percent App Store tax, and is channeling 100 percent of the proceeds to the Red Cross. Customers can donate US$5-US$200 to […]

Announcement App Store iTunes Store News

Apple begins accepting donations for Kerala, India flooding victims via iTunes Store, App Store

You can now use the iTunes Store and App Store to donate to the flooding victims of Kerala, India. The programs now feature donation banners, which allow donations in $5, $10, $25, $50, $100, and $200 increments. The full amount will be sent to Mercy Corps, an international humanitarian aid group.

iTunes News Software

Apple now accepting donations to the Southern Poverty Law Center via iTunes following recent protests, events

Following up on recent protests and events, Apple has begun accepting donations to the Southern Poverty Law Center through iTunes. Tim Cook announced in a letter last week that Apple would make a US$2 million donation to the SPLC and the Anti-Defamation League because of the violence at the Charlottesville protests. People can make SPLC […]

App Store Apple iTunes iTunes Store News

Apple begins accepting donations to aid victims of Hurricane Matthew

Well, some better news that doesn’t involve batteries catching fire. Apple on Monday began collecting donations for the victims of Hurricane Matthew, which tore through a number of Caribbean countries and several U.S. states including Florida and the Carolinas. The hurricane killed hundreds and left untold numbers homeless or in need of aid.