It’s the hidden features that tend to make a gadget that much cooler. Per iDownloadBlog, a group of hackers have discovered a hidden panorama mode embedded within Apple’s Camera application on iOS 5, though the feature does not appear to be completed. iOS hacker Conrad Kramer, who goes by the alias Conradev, revealed via a […]
Tag: Cydia
This probably won’t make you feel safer about the security on your iOS device… Per Macworld, Apple said on Thursday that it is developing a fix for vulnerabilities that affect its iPhone, iPad and some iPod touch models, a problem that the German government warned could be used to steal confidential data. The vulnerabilities became […]
Ok, this could be cool. While it’s one thing to be able to access your iPhone via the slider or enter a passkey, it’s another thing altogether to have your mug be the thing that gains access to your smartphone. Per Macworld UK, RecognizeMe is an app aimed at jailbroken iPhones, and basically gives you […]
The Unofficial iPhone Dev Team has advanced to its next project, posting a beta of redsn0w, its jailbreaking utility for iOS devices. Per iPodNN, the release supports untethered operation in iOS 4.2.1, that is, jailbreaking without having to stay connected to a computer via USB during the process. So far only the iPad, the iPhone […]
The super cool cats at the iPhone Dev Team have posted ultrasn0w 1.0-1, an update of its unlocking utility. The release is the first to unlock the iPhone 4, in addition to the iPhone 3G and 3GS. iPhone 4s must be on the 01.59 baseband, while the 3G and 3GS must be using 04.26.08, 05.11.07, […]