Apple Apple Car battery Business Developer Fun Hardware Rumor Siri

Apple Car concepts revealed

You might want to take this with a grain of salt, but it’s still pretty fun. Please let us know what you expect from the Apple Car should it be released next year. Via @HypeWhip

Apple Apps Developer Hack News privacy security

Mozilla releases Firefox 91, allows for full erasure of browser history, additional privacy tools

If you’re looking for an additional layer of privacy and protection, you’re going to like this. Mozilla’s Firefox 91 browser now offers enhanced cooking clearing when a user deletes their browser history, eliminating an even wider swath of data in one go. Per Mozilla: When you decide to tell Firefox to forget about a website, […]

Accessory AirPods AirPods Max Apple battery Developer Gadget Hardware Microsoft retail Rumor Wearables

Rumor: Apple developing virtual reality headset, could incorporate dual 8K displays, motion tracking, mixed reality, other features

Where Apple is rumored working on a potential virtual reality headset that could launch as early as next year, The Information, citing internal images of a “late-stage-prototype” from late 2020, has posited some features for the unit. Per the article, the headset could feature more than a dozen cameras for tracking hand movements, alongside two […]

App Store Apple Apps Developer Hack iOS News privacy security

17 AppAspect Technologies apps removed from App Store following discovery of clicker malware

Apparently developer AppAspect Technologies is fond of embedding malware into its iOS apps. 17 apps from the developer were found to contain clicker malware that automatically clicked on ads and opened web pages in the background without user interaction. The malware module bundled with the app SDKs communicated with a previously known command and control servers. The […]

App Store Apple Apple Watch Apps Developer iOS macOS News security Software Swift watchOS

Apple posts video of WWDC Platform State of the Union speech, focuses on changes, upcoming tools

Apple delivered its Platform State of the Union speech on Monday, announcing substantial overhauls as well as new tools for the way developers create apps. The company, in turn, has posted a video of the presentation, highlighting the main points it wished to convey. In the presentation, Apple stated that they will be eliminating the letterboxing that […]