Apple may be upping its available storage for the iPhone 14 Pro models. According to a recent report from TrendForce, the iPhone 14 Pro models could start with 256GB of storage, However, Jeff Pu, an analyst for Haitong International predicts that the upcoming iPhone 14 Pro models will likely stay with a base of 128GB. […]
Tag: camera
Apple is apparently planning to increase the prices of two of its iPhone 14 Pro models compared the the current iPhone 13 Pro models. According to analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, Kuo noted that the average selling price of the iPhone 14 lineup as a whole will increase by about 15% compared to the iPhone 13 lineup. […]
Sometimes you’ve got to pound on the firmware until everything works correctly. Apple has rolled out version 15.5 of its Studio Display firmware for the high-end display. The Studio Display runs firmware based on iOS and is powered by an A13 Bionic chip. The build, numbered “19F80,” arrives following Apple’s acknowledgement of an audio issue […]
It might be time to put in that preorder for the M2 MacBook Air today. Apple has announced that preorders for the M2 MacBook Air have begun today, with shipments arriving as soon as July 15. When Apple unveiled the next-generation MacBook Air, it didn’t give an exact release date beyond “July.” On Wednesday, however, […]
You may be able to get full privacy and security for your smartphone through its case. Israel-based security firm Cirotta has put forth a new idea in which a smartphone case can act as a physical barrier between hackers and the data on your device. The firm, which has its roots in the military, said […]