It was something of an update-o-rama on Thursday as Apple released its iOS 17.1.2, iPadOS 17.1.2, and macOS Sonoma 14.1.2 updates. While Apple didn’t offer details as to specific changes within the changelogs, the company did say the updates feature security fixes. The new version of iOS follows iOS 17.1.1 which was released on November […]
Tag: bug
Researchers discover two Bluetooth security flaws that can affect any device from 2014 on
- Post author By Chris Barylick
- Post date November 30, 2023
This is one of those things that make you cringe and hope there’s a firmware update to resolve it in the works. Two recently-discovered Bluetooth security flaws allow attackers to hijack the connections of all devices using Bluetooth 4.2 to 5.4, a range that encompasses all devices between late 2014 and now. AirDrop is also […]
Apple issues fourth iOS 17.2 and iPadOS 17.2 betas to developer community
- Post author By Chris Barylick
- Post date November 29, 2023
If you’re hankering for the iOS 17.2 and iPadOS 17.2 updates, they might be around the corner. Apple has officially begun distributing developer betas of its mobile operating systems to participants in its beta program. Developers signed up to the beta-testing program can get the newest builds by visiting the Apple Developer Center or by […]
- Tags 15, 17.2, 21C5046c, 21C5054b, 26, 9, action, App, Apple, Apple Developer Center, Apple Music, Apple TV, Apple Vision Pro, backup, beta, bug, button, Contact Key Verification, developer, favorites, filter, first, fix, focus, fourth, iMessage, iOS, iPad, iPhone, journal, November, October, playlist, privacy, Pro, program, public, second, security, third, update, Watch Now, weather, widgets
If you were hoping for an iOS bug fix, it looks like it’s en route for this week. As mentioned before, assorted website analytics traffic has indicated that Apple’s iOS 17.1.2 update is likely to be released this week. The update is thought to focus on assorted bug fixes, although it’s unclear exactly which issues […]
Proton Drive encrypted cloud service becomes available for macOS
- Post author By Chris Barylick
- Post date November 24, 2023
Swiss-based privacy firm Proton on Thursday announced the availability of its end-to-end encrypted cloud storage for Mac users through its macOS app. The Proton Drive app allows users to sync files between Mac and the cloud, access files offline, and free up space on local drives. Unlike iCloud, all data (including metadata) is end-to-end encrypted […]