News Software

VLC updated to 2.0.2

Video Lan Client, the nigh-indispensable open source media player for multiple audio and video formats (MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, Divx, ogg, etc.), was updated to a release candidate version of 2.0.2. The new version, a 25.5 megabyte download, adds the following fixes and changes: Video Output: – XP machine will now use DirectX mode by default, […]

News Patents

Apple patent towards HDTV design with additional backlighting features

This could turn into something pretty cool. Per Free Patents Online, Apple is looking into building displays with dynamic backlight adaptation for better picture quality, particularly when watching letterboxed widescreen movies on a high-definition screen. The concept was revealed this week in a new Apple patent application discovered by AppleInsider. The filing, entitled “Dynamic Backlight […]

Apple TV iCloud iPad iPhone iPod Rumor

Rumor: Apple in talks with studios to begin streaming movies to iCloud

Additional movies: They’re never a bad thing. Per the Wall Street Journal, Apple is said to be involved in negotiations with Hollywood movie studios in an effort to give customers the ability to stream movies they own to devices like an iPhone, iPad or Apple TV. Citing sources close to the story, The Wall Street […]

News Software

Roxio Toast Titanium 11.0.3 update released

Late Thursday, Roxio released version 11.0.3 of its Toast Titanium authoring software. The new version, available here, adds the following fixes and changes: – Resolves an issue where unexpected beahviour occurs when working with VIDEO_TS folders authored by a specific application. – Resolves an issue where adding MKV video with MPEG-2 content may cause a […]

Hardware News

Light Peak could arrive for the Mac in early 2011

Intel’s Light Peak optical cabling technology is on track to make its first appearance in products in early 2011, with Apple expected to follow soon after, according to a new report. Per CNET, Apple has expressed a very strong interest in Light Peak after Intel approached them with it several years ago. According to sources, […]