Some interesting tools are being developed for Apple’s Vision Pro headset as a gaming platform. As of Wednesday, Unity’s “PolySpatial” development platform reached the beta stage, allowing developers to create and port over 3D experiences like games to Apple’s forthcoming headset. The PolySpatial toolset was developed in collaboration with Apple and was announced at WWDC […]
Tag: beta
Via MacRumors and
This is DEFINITELY going to come in handy. Suppose you were somewhat on the fence as to whether to upgrade to macOS Sonoma when it arrives. In that case, it’s been reported that the current beta version allows Mac owners who opt to use Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or another browser to use Apple’s Password […]
A series of new beta firmware versions for the Beats Studio Buds and Apple AirPods, AirPods Pro, and AirPods Max show some potential new changes en route for the wireless earbuds. Beta version 10M4372 has been released for Beats Studio Buds, while beta version 6A5262d is the newest firmware for the AirPods, AirPods Pro, and […]