Accessory hard drive

Hands on with the Runcore Pro IV 2.5-inch SATA SSD

Over on the Apple Core, Jason O’Grady has a full hands-on rundown the the Runcore SATA solid state drive as well as its impressive benchmark numbers. The drive itself can be dropped into any MacBook notebook. Take a gander and see what you think.

hard drive

MacBook Pro C2D 7200 vs 5400RPM Drives

Bare Feats has posted an addendum to their article on the MacBook Pro C2D where they discuss: a) 2GB matching vs 3GB unmatching memory, and b) 7200rpm drive vs 5400rpm drive.

MacBook Pro

The Apple Core: Comparing the temps of a Core Duo to a Core 2 Duo

I took some temperature benchmarks comparing the MacBook Pro (Core Duo) and MacBook Pro (Core 2 Duo). The results substantiate what I uncovered in a previous post about the Core 2 Duo running significantly cooler than the Core Duo.