Over on the Apple Core, Jason O’Grady has a full hands-on rundown the the Runcore SATA solid state drive as well as its impressive benchmark numbers. The drive itself can be dropped into any MacBook notebook. Take a gander and see what you think.
Tag: Benchmark
MacBook Pro C2D 7200 vs 5400RPM Drives
Bare Feats has posted an addendum to their article on the MacBook Pro C2D where they discuss: a) 2GB matching vs 3GB unmatching memory, and b) 7200rpm drive vs 5400rpm drive.
I took some temperature benchmarks comparing the MacBook Pro (Core Duo) and MacBook Pro (Core 2 Duo). The results substantiate what I uncovered in a previous post about the Core 2 Duo running significantly cooler than the Core Duo.