Legal News security

Proposed bill in New York state could allow backdoor access for law enforcement, threatens fines for non-compliance

Let the arguments begin. A new bill proposed in New York could require that all phone manufacturers be required to implement a way for law enforcement agencies to access and decrypt user devices. This bill is somewhat similar to the Investigatory Powers Bill currently being debated in the UK, which Apple has voiced its opposition […]


Edward Snowden refuses to use an iPhone, cites backdoors, security reasons

Edward Snowden doesn’t trust the iPhone. Whether you trust yours is another matter altogether. Per AppleInsider and Sputnik, infamous former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden, responsible for leaking thousands of pages of classified intelligence documents from the secretive spy organization, reportedly believes that the iPhone contains “special software” that can be remotely activated by […]

iOS iPad iPhone iPod Touch News security

Jonathan Zdziarski’s talk at hacker conferences shows backdoors on every iOS device, questionable services being run

There’s apparently a back door access point on every iOS device on the market. Per The Apple Core, forensic scientist and author Jonathan Zdziarski has posted the slides (in PDF format) from his talk at the Hackers On Planet Earth (HOPE/X) conference in New York called Identifying Backdoors, Attack Points, and Surveillance Mechanisms in iOS […]

Apple Consumer Electronics iOS iPhone Legal Mobile Mobile Phone News privacy security Services Software

Will the next NSA satellite have an Apple logo?

Well, perhaps that is a stretch, but Apple’s possible connection with the NSA was revealed in a report dating back to 2008. Reuters explains that the report outlined a system that the NSA was developing, called DROPOUTJEEP, which would be software implanted into an iPhone that allows infiltrators to push and pull and retrieve data from […]