On Tuesday, Microsoft added call recording functionality to its Skype voice and video calling services, a much-requested feature that had been in demand for some time. With the latest version of Skype for iOS and Mac, users have the ability to capture and share calls for the first time since the ubiquitous chat service launched […]
Tag: audio
As nifty as the 2018 Touch Bar MacBook Pro notebooks, a number of them may be experiencing intermittent crackling from the built-in speakers. The crackling appears to occur spontaneously during audio playback on both 13-inch and 15-inch models, based on a handful of videos shared by customers. As with many crowdsourced issues, there are a […]
Apple will finally release its HomePod smart speaker in Canada, France, and Germany on June 18th per an official announcement on Tuesday. The HomePod is currently available only in the U.S., U.K., and Australia. Apple hasn’t said what pricing in the new regions will be. The HomePod will arrive loaded with iOS 11.4 and multi-room […]
When in doubt, use a hacksaw. The cool cats at iFixit have taken it upon themselves to crack into the newly-released HomePod to find out what’s inside. The outfit, which used an actual hacksaw to crack the smart speaker open, discovered an A8 processor, seven tweeters, six far-field microphones, and a high excursion woofer. The […]
The cool cats at iFixit have completed and posted their full teardown of the long-awaited 5K iMac Pro and discovered the following nifty features and components: – The iMac Pro features a massive dual fan cooler to help keep the CPU and GPU cool. The computer is also notably quiet, even when performing intensive operations […]