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UTM runs on both Intel and M1-based Macs, allows easy virtualization for wide array of platforms

This is pretty cool. UTM allows owners of M1-based Macs to run virtual machines on the new Apple Silicon hardware. The software uses Apple’s Hypervisor virtualization framework to run ARM64 operating systems on Apple Silicon at near native speeds. UTM also runs on Intel-based Macs, allowing for x86 and x64-based operating systems to be virtualization, […]

Apple Apple Silicon Apps Developer Hardware M1 Mac macOS Microsoft News Software

Microsoft Edge beta now supports M1-based Macs

This could come in handy. Microsoft has announced through its Beta, Canary, and Dev channels that beta versions of its Microsoft Edge web browser are now running on M1-based Macs. The company added M1 support on January 7. Microsoft tweeted the following comment: Starting today, you can download your Microsoft Edge Insider channel of choice […]