According to code references found in Apple’s latest iOS 14.5 beta, the next-gen iPad Pro will be powered by an as-yet-unreleased “A14X” chip. The latest iOS beta release includes mention of a GPU called “13G,” a designation not seen in past or current A-series chips. Based on Apple’s silicon naming schemes, “13G” is thought to […]
Tag: Apple Silicon
It looks like Apple’s letting some of its iMac inventory peter out as it looks towards an Apple Silicon future. Only hours after officially discontinuing the iMac Pro, Apple has also discontinued the 512GB and 1TB SSD configurations of the 4K 21.5-inch iMac. As of February, both the 512GB and 1TB SSD options became unavailable for […]
Back in the mid-2000’s, actor Justin Long was synonymous with Apple via the company’s “Get a Mac” commercials, wherein he playing a “Mac” and comedian John Hodgman played a “PC.” Now, Long has cast in a new Intel commercial wherein he identifies as “Justin” and extols the virtues of Intel-based PCs as opposed to Apple’s […]
You’re not going to love this, but it’s still a good thing that they found it. Per a research paper published by Cornell University, a group of security researchers have discovered what appears to be the first browser side-channel attack that’s Javascript-free, and AppleM1 chips may be more vulnerable to it. The attack is constructed […]
It looks as if two additional new Apple Silicon MacBook Pro notebooks are en route for the second half of 2021, the new rumor echoing previous hints as to upcoming 14-inch and 16-inch notebooks. Tuesday’s report fails to specify which MacBook Pro models will reach the assembly line, though predictions suggest Apple is primed to […]