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WWDC: Apple Pay Later purchase option to debut with iOS 16

Over at the Worldwide Developers Conference, Apple on Monday, announced that the company will be introducing a “buy now pay later” feature known as “Apple Pay Later” purchase option into iOS 16. The plan will allow U.S.-based users to spread the cost of a purchase into four payments over six weeks without interest or fees. […]

Apple Apple Pay Apps Business Finance Hardware retail Retail Store Rumor

Rumor: Apple developing “Apple Pay Later” program which would allow Apple Pay purchases to be paid in monthly installments

There’s something to be said for paying over time. Apple is apparently developing a new service that will allow Apple Pay users to buy products and pay them off in monthly installments. Per Bloomberg, this featureis in development and internally named ‘Apple Pay Later’. However, Apple’s service would be directly integrated with Apple Pay. Apple […]