Apple Broadband Developer Hardware iPhone News privacy Processors security wireless

Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 chip features anti-spoofing technology

Snapdragon’s latest chip could help prevent spoofing and privacy invasion. Per an article from PCMag, the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 chip features anti-spoofing technology to help protect against Stingray and spoofing attacks: Spoof cell sites can now be run on small, widely available boxes that pass bad data and phishing messages, Qualcomm said at its […]

Accessory AirTags Apple Apps Developer Hardware iPhone iPhone News privacy security Software

Apple releases revised firmware update for AirTags

It’s unknown as to exactly what this does, but it’s an AirTags firmware update and it might be helpful. Apple on Wednesday released version 1.0.276 of its AirTags firmware, which is a revision to the update that was made available in June. The updated AirTags‌ 1.0.276 firmware has a build number of 1A287b, while the […]

iPhone Legal News wireless

TRACED anti-robocall legislation signed into law

With any luck, this should greatly reduce the number of robocalls you receive throughout the day. President Trump on Wednesday signed the TRACED anti-Robocall legislation into law, extending the FCC’s powers regarding enforcement and potentially fines. The bill, known in full as the Pallone-Thune Telephone Robocall Abuse Criminal Enforcement and Deterrence (TRACED) Act, the planned […]