App Store Apple

App Store Number Finally Reaches 77

Until this weekend, the count of countries with App Store access was only 62, but Apple said 77. Where are the rest?


What Do You Make of iPhone OS 3.0?

Apple basically walloped its user base over the head with what’s coming this summer via its iPhone OS 3.0 upgrade, which appears to answer a lot of questions as to where specific features (such as turn-by-turn GPS directions, improved e-mail, Spotlight, landscape view across additional applications and the oft-cited copy and paste features) were. Even […]


Apple Posts iPhone OS 3.0 Launch Video

With the iPhone OS 3.0 update announcement taking place yesterday, a picture’s worth a thousand words. Fortunately, Apple just posted the full presentation on its web site over at this address. Users will have to wait until this summer to get their hands on the full release and new features such as additional APIs for […]


PowerPage 2009 test post

I’m taking a couple of days off pre-Macworld Expo and while chilling down in Florida with my family my wife suggested looking for an iPhone app that played Auld Lang Syne and/or had a New Year’s Eve countdown timer. I find them all rolled into one – for free. New Year’s Blowout Horn! (iTunes, free) […]


Cisco, Not Apple, Releases iPhone Device

An iPhone device has finally been released, albeit not from Apple, according to an article by Macworld UK. Cisco’s Linksys division has released a set of web-enabled VoIP phones today, Cisco having owned the “iPhone” trademark since acquiring Infogear. Infogear first showed an iPhone Internet-capable device at the Consumer Electronics show in 1997, a year […]