After much anticipation, Apple on Wednesday announced the iPhone SE 2, the new generation of its consumer-level iPhone. The handset, which starts at $399, sports an A13 Bionic processor, 4.7-inch Retina display, and arrives in black, white, and (PRODUCT)RED colors. The second-get iPhone SE also arrives in 64GB, 128GB, and 256GB capacities. Customers can preorder […]
Tag: A13
Following a series of rumors surrounding a low-cost model dubbed the “iPhone SE 2,” a new report states that the iPhone SE’s successor is entering production come February. According to sources close to the story, Bloomberg has reported that suppliers are slated to begin manufacturing the as-yet-unannounced affordable iPhone variant in February ahead of a […]
Apple’s upcoming A14 processor could make the next-gen iPhone as powerful as a 15-inch MacBook Pro. Per a full rundown by the mighty Jason Cross at Macworld, the processor is expected to move from a 7 nanometer production process to a 5 nanometer production process. This, in turn, could allow for no less than 15 […]
Apple chipmaker TSMC has apparently secured orders for its upcoming “A14” processor, which are slated for this year’s iPhones. The company is expected to manufacturing the chips in the second quarter according to industry insiders: The sources said Apple’s 5G mmWave handsets to be released in 2020 are reportedly to each carry at least three […]
Per fabled analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, the next-gen iPad Pro models will be released in the first half of 2020 and feature a rear 3D sensing feature. In a research note with TF International Securities, Kuo said the iPad Pro models will gain 3D sensing through the rear-facing camera system. Apple is expected to use a […]