Late Wednesday, Apple released beta 5 of its iPhone OS 3.2 SDK for the iPad via the iPhone Dev Center. According to MacNN, the release comes on the heels just over a week since the launch of beta 4 of the SDK and shows Apple accelerating its efforts prior to the iPad’s April 3rd release. […]
Tag: 4.0
Although rumors that Apple will include a third-party multitasking capability in the iPhone are as old as the hills themselves, a reference has emerged regarding a “multitasking dialog box” buried in the new iPhone OS SDK 3.2 beta 4 that apparently didn’t exist in iPhone OS 3.1.3. Per 9 to 5 Mac, this could be […]
Apple’s recent announcement regarding the iPad’s April 3rd ship date suggests that Apple might not ship the device with the full set of apps that arrive standard on the iPhone. Per Wired, the company may omit several applications such as Stocks, Calculator, Clock, Weather and Voice Memos. While Apple had pushed several iPad-optimized versions of […]
This isn’t about the Apple tablet. That’ll happen in a few hours. Though word is the tablet will be reasonably priced and be made of unicorn smiles. Per Engadget, an unintended update to the iPhone Developer Program License Agreement went live Tuesday with a placeholder referencing a January 27th launch. The date of course suggests […]
You’ve got to admit, it’s the rumors that make life interesting. Boy Genius Report has reportedly received information from a source close to the story claiming iPhone OS 4.0 will be introduced at Apple’s press event next week at the Yerba Buena on January 27th. Per the source, iPhone OS 4.0 will be limited to […]