Apple announced on Monday that it will be releasing the Wi-Fi models of the iPad in China on Friday, September 17th. The iPads will be available from Apple Stores and selected Apple Authorized Resellers in the country, starting at 10:00 a.m. local time. Per Macworld, prices will start at CNY3988 (US$589) for the 16GB model, […]
Tag: 3G
After a fair amount of anticipation, Apple released its long-awaited iOS 4.1 update for the iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, second-, third-, and fourth-generation iPod touch. Per iLounge, the update adds a number of bug fixes and new features, including a fix for the iPhone 4’s proximity sensor, Bluetooth issues, patches for security holes […]
Over the past few days, Apple’s iOS 4.1 update has gone from “coming soon” to “gold master”. Per The Unofficial Apple Weblog, user report have stated that the update resolves iOS 4.0.2’s stuttering, crashing, and generalized slowness on the iPhone 3G handset and offers better overall performance. Specific improvements included speed, performance via the Maps […]
Following something of a struggle to meet consumer demand for the iPad since it launched in April, estimated shipping times for new online orders have improved to within 24 hours, suggesting any production problems have been resolved. Per AppleInsider, new orders for the Wi-Fi-only and 3G-capable iPad, in all available storage capacities, now ship within […]
Processor giant Intel on Monday confirmed its plans to buy Infineon’s wireless division for US$1.4 billion in cash. The deal will see the company’s Wireless Solutions group work as a stand-alone company on Intel’s behalf and will give the company access to both 3G chipsets and a faster path to LTE-based 4G. It plans to […]