News Software

Apple releases iTunes 10.5.3 update, adds iBooks 2 textbook syncing support

On Thursday, Apple released iTunes 10.5.3, the latest version of its multimedia/jukebox application for Mac OS X. The new version, a 102 megabyte download, offers the following fixes and changes: – Allows you to sync interactive iBooks textbooks to your iPad. These Multi-Touch textbooks are available for purchase from the iTunes Store on your Mac […]

News Software

Drive Genius 3.1.2 update released

Prosoft Engineering has released Drive Genius 3.1.2, an updated version of its drive repair and recovery program for Mac OS X. The new version, a 15.5 megabyte

News Software

Apple releases iTunes 10.3.1 update

Early Wednesday, released iTunes 10.3.1, the latest version of its multimedia/jukebox application for Mac OS X. The new version, a 75 megabyte download, may fix the following bug, though official release notes have yet to be distributed: – Release notes are the same as version 10.3, however it’s possible the release fixes an Unknown Error […]


Drive Genius 3.1.1 update released

Prosoft Engineering has released Drive Genius 3.1.1, an updated version of its drive repair and recovery program for Mac OS X. The new version, a 16 megabyte download, offers the following fixes and features: – Live defrag can now be canceled (on some machines this may require a wired keyboard). – DrivePulse™ is now installed […]

News Software

Drive Genius 3.1 update released

Prosoft Engineering has released Drive Genius 3.1, an updated version of its drive repair and recovery program for Mac OS X. The new version, a 16.6 megabyte download, offers the following fixes and features: – The system startup volume can now be defragmented without the need of a DVD or alternate startup volume (“live” defrag). […]