Michael Tsai’s must-have shareware program, SpamSieve, has just been updated to version 2.7.6. The new version, a 5.9 megabyte download, makes the following fixes and improvements:
* Improved compatibility with pre-release versions of Mac OS X.
* Expanded the Can I delete spam messages after training SpamSieve with them? section of the manual.
* Fixed a bug in the Setting up a Spam Filtering Drone instructions.
* Improved number entry in the corpus window.
* Improved the reporting of unexpected errors.
* Updated links to indicate that Mailsmith is now available from Stickshift Software.
* Added a Console warning if the Apple Mail plug-in detects that CTLoader is installed.
* The crash reporter works better with Mac OS X 10.6.
* Fixed a mistake in the French localization.
SpamSieve is available for a US$30 registration fee and requires Mac OS X 10.4 or later to run. The new version can either be downloaded directly from the web site or brought up to the current version via the program’s built-in update feature.