Michael Tsai’s must-have shareware program, SpamSieve, has just been updated to version 2.7.5. The new version, a 5.9 megabyte download, makes the following fixes and improvements:
* Made various accuracy improvements.
* Fixed a problem where Apple Mail (running on pre-release versions of Mac OS X 10.6) could freeze at launch if you had a rule involving address book groups.
* Rewrote the Setting up a Spam Filtering Drone instructions.
* Added Why does the Spam mailbox appear empty when there’s a number beside it? to the frequently asked questions.
* Updated the Automatically Deleting Old Spam Messages instructions to include Entourage.
* The search fields are now scrollable.
* The Apple Mail plug-in is better at detecting when SpamSieve’s Dock icon is hidden.
* Worked around a problem where Mail could crash if you had installed two copies of the SpamSieve plug-in at the same time.
* Fixed a bug that could cause SpamSieve to freeze when applying a whitelist/blocklist rule involving certain regular expressions.
* The crash reporter works better with pre-release versions of Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard).
* Fixed a bug that could prevent SpamSieve from launching.
* Updated the Dutch, Japanese, and Korean localizations.
SpamSieve is available for a US$30 registration fee and requires Mac OS X 10.4 or later to run. The new version can either be downloaded directly from the web site or brought up to the current version via the program’s built-in update feature.