In the last two weeks, UC-Berkeley has had a number ofoutages as different problems plague the vastdistributed computing project. Early last week, two ofthree RAID cards in the science database serverfailed. Late last week, the power to the campusbuilding that houses the project’s servers becameunstable. The power problem was traced to a fault in adistribution panel. The fault was repaired during oneof this week’s three outages.
The SETI@home team at Berkeley continues to try toeliminate bugs that have crept into the user databases. These databases track what work units havebeen sent to and completed by each user. In turn, thisdata is used to create individual user and teamstatistics pages. The stats pages have been availableonly intermittently since about June 7. The Berkeleyteam hopes that they will be able to squash the last of these bugs in the user databases shortly.
You can get more news and information at the UnofficialTeam SETI@home Site.