
Reducing Fan Noise in PowerBooks

MacOSHints: I know this has already been covered in a comment on this hint. But ever since Tiger, Apple has done the same thing to my PowerBook (Rev A)’s fan. Apparently, Apple has chosen to kick the fan into action on lower temperatures (it’ll be cooler), but I prefer a silent hot laptop over a loud (less) hot one. The “hint” is the same for 10.3, and I’ve been running it (on Tiger) for over two weeks without any glitches.

MacOSHints: I know this has already been covered in a comment on this hint. But ever since Tiger, Apple has done the same thing to my PowerBook (Rev A)’s fan. Apparently, Apple has chosen to kick the fan into action on lower temperatures (it’ll be cooler), but I prefer a silent hot laptop over a loud (less) hot one. The “hint” is the same for 10.3, and I’ve been running it (on Tiger) for over two weeks without any glitches.

By Jason O'Grady

Founded the PowerPage in 1995.