When one of the most die-hard techies finds an issue with your logic boards, it might be time to fix things.
Techie extraordinaire Louis Rossmann has posted a video highlighting power issues in recent model MacBook Air logic boards. In the video, Rossmann illustrates how a single power control chip on the logic board gives false positives that the MacBook Air is drawing enough power, yet fails to boot.
Rossmann then isolates the issue, and is able to extract the chip, replace it with a new chip, solder the connections, cool it, and test it to illustrate the issue with the logic board. He also cites that he’s seen the issue several times to date, that the problem has been reproducible, and that Apple’s quality control could be slipping more than it should be.
The beginning of the video is a bit unsafe for work due to language, but he dives into his repair like nobody’s business, and this is awesome for any techie who’s loved opening up and repairing their Apple hardware.
Please let us know if you’ve seen this power issue with your recent model MacBook Air, and let us know about your experience in the comments.