News Software Uncategorized

Little Snitch 3.5 nightly build 4226 released, offers SSH fixes

Little Snitch, the popular network utility by Objective Development Software Gmbh, has been updated to version 3.5, its nightly build number 4226, a 22.2 megabyte download adding the following fixes and changes: – Little Snitch menubar item no longer occupies space when disabled. – Added support for showing iOS App Extension icons. – Improved handling […]

iCloud News security

Security researcher finds unsaved files are automatically saved into iCloud

This may not be what Apple intended to have happen with iCloud. And there may be a patch coming for it posthaste. According to Slate, security researcher Jeffrey Paul recently noticed that Apple’s default autosave is storing in-progress files—the ones you haven’t explicitly saved yet—in the cloud, not on your hard drive. Unless you decided […]

iOS iPhone News retail

CurrentC exclusivity contract at MCX merchants to expire in matter of months

The conflict between MCX’s CurrentC and Apple Pay may be short lived, as an exclusivity agreement that has caused some merchants involved in the MCX consortium — notably drug store chain CVS — to abruptly pull support for NFC-based payment systems, including Apple Pay and Google Wallet, is set to expire in “months,” according to […]

Hardware Rumor Wearables

Rumor: Apple Watch steel model to begin at $500, gold model to retail between $4,000 and $5,000

Apple is far from releasing its price points for its upcoming watch, but the rumors as to the cost are starting to pour in. Per 9to5Mac, French website, reported on Tuesday that the steel Apple Watch will start at US$500 alongside a gold model that will retail for between US$4,000 and US$5,000. Apple previously […]

Hardware News Processors

Intel launches Broadwell Core M processor, chip could find its way into rumored 12-inch MacBook Air notebooks

Intel’s next generation of processors won’t ship until early 2015, but there’s some interesting news on the processor that could wind up in the 12-inch MacBook Pro notebook. Per MacRumors, the company began shipping some ultra low-power Broadwell chips known as Core M a couple of months ago. These chips are designed to run at […]