News Software

Opera web browser updated to 12.13.1734


Late Thursday, Opera Software released version 12.13.1734 of its web browser. The new version, a 20.3 megabyte download via MacUpdate, boasts the following fixes and changes:

General and User Interface:
– Fixed an issue where Opera gets internal communication errors on Facebook.

– Fixed an issue where no webpages load on startup, if Opera is disconnected from the Internet.

– Fixed an issue where images will not load after back navigation, when a site uses the HTML5 history API (

Linux and Windows:
– A new stand-alone update-checker, as part of a planned upgrade of the auto-update system.

– Improved protection against hijacking of the default search, including a one-time reset.

– Fixed an issue where DOM events manipulation might be used to execute arbitrary code, as reported by Arthur Gerkis; see our advisory.

– Fixed an issue where use of SVG clipPaths could allow execution of arbitrary code, as reported by anonymous via the iSIGHT Partners GVP Program; see our advisory.

– Fixed a low severity security issue; details will be disclosed at a later date.

– Fixed an issue where CORS requests could omit the preflight request, as reported by webpentest; see our advisory.

Opera 12.13.1734 is available for free and requires an Intel-based Mac running Mac OS X 10.5.8 or later to install and run.