News Software

Opera web browser updated to 12.01


On Thursday, Opera Software released version 12.01 of its web browser. The new version, a 26.9 megabyte download, boasts the following fixes and changes:

Several general fixes and stability improvements:
– Website thumbnail memory usage improvements.

– Address bar inline auto-completion no longer prefers shortest domain.

– Corrected an error that could occur after removing the plugin wrapper.

– Resolved an issue where favicons were squeezed too much when many tabs were open.

– Fixed a problem where the Adobe PDF plugin is picked up and used by Opera.

Display and Scripting:
– Resolved an error with XHR transfers where content-type was incorrectly determined.

– Improved handling of object literals with numeric duplicate properties.

– Changed behavior of nested/chained comma expressions: now expressing and compiling them as a list rather than a tree.

– Aligned behavior of the #caller property on function code objects in ECMAScript 5 strict mode with the specification.

– Fixed an issue where input type=month would return an incorrect value in its valueAsDate property.

– Resolved an issue with JSON.stringify() that could occur on cached number conversion.

– Fixed a problem with redefining special properties using Object.defineProperty().

Network and Site-Specific:
– Fixed an issue where loading would stop at “Document 100%” but the page would still be loading.

– Corrected behavior when long content was displayed Fixed an issue with secure transaction errors

– Fixed an issue with Google Maps Labs that occured when compiling top-level loops inside strict evals.

– Corrected a problem that could occur with DISQUS.

– Fixed a crash occurring on Lenovo’s “Shop now” page.

– Corrected issues when calling window.console.log via a variable at watch4you.

– Resolved an issue with Yahoo! chat.

Mail, News, Chat:
– Resolved an issue where under certain conditions the mail panel would continuously scroll up.

– Fixed a crash occurring when loading mail databases on startup.

– Re-fixed an issue where certain URL constructs could allow arbitrary code execution, as reported by Andrey Stroganov; see our advisory.

– Fixed an issue where certain characters in HTML could incorrectly be ignored, which could facilitate XSS attacks; see our advisory.

– Fixed another issue where small windows could be used to trick users into executing downloads as reported by Jordi Chancel; see our advisory.

– Fixed an issue where an element’s HTML content could be incorrectly returned without escaping, bypassing some HTML sanitizers; see our advisory.

– Fixed a low severity issue, details will be disclosed at a later date.

Opera 12.01 is available for free and requires and Intel-based Mac running Mac OS X 10.5 or later to install and run.