
Notebooks Responsible for Increase in Injuries

As of May 2005 notebook computers are outselling desktops for the first time in history – and there’s no sign of the pendulum shifting back (until the venerable smartphone, takes its place, that is). But is this shift to the mobile computer causing more injuries to unsuspecting users? An article at The Guardian by Jack Schofield, When laptops are a pain in the neck, implies that there are many hidden health hazards that come with using a notebook:

Jeremy Clarkson and I seem to have something in common: we’ve both been laid low partly by our laptops. Physically, if not financially, he’s much worse off than me. According to his column in The Sunday Times, he’s visiting an osteopath for a slipped disc, whereas I’m just having physiotherapy for a cricked neck. But in a world where Wi-Fi and notebook computers are replacing wired desktops, this is very likely to become an increasingly common problem for computer users over the next few years.

First we discover that they cause impotence, now this? Does this mean that I can collect hazard pay for publishing the PowerPage? What ails you from your PowerBook?

As of May 2005 notebook computers are outselling desktops for the first time in history – and there’s no sign of the pendulum shifting back (until the venerable smartphone, takes its place, that is). But is this shift to the mobile computer causing more injuries to unsuspecting users? An article at The Guardian by Jack Schofield, When laptops are a pain in the neck, implies that there are many hidden health hazards that come with using a notebook:

Jeremy Clarkson and I seem to have something in common: we’ve both been laid low partly by our laptops. Physically, if not financially, he’s much worse off than me. According to his column in The Sunday Times, he’s visiting an osteopath for a slipped disc, whereas I’m just having physiotherapy for a cricked neck. But in a world where Wi-Fi and notebook computers are replacing wired desktops, this is very likely to become an increasingly common problem for computer users over the next few years.

First we discover that they cause impotence, now this? Does this mean that I can collect hazard pay for publishing the PowerPage? What ails you from your PowerBook?

By Jason O'Grady

Founded the PowerPage in 1995.