
Lombard Availability: the Latest!

Lombard availability continues to be a moving target, here is the juice from the players:

  • Apple Store: “Conservatively” estimates that all orders placed today will be recieved in 5-7 business days in the United States.
  • Waiting for Apple to ship – declined to give a date because of uncertainty of Apple’s position.
  • CDW: As of today, CDW has 80 400 MHz machines on backorder. Apparently a few came into CDW yesterday, and they were promptly shipped out. There are appox. 70 333 MHz machines on backorder. A good bet looks like 15 June.
  • MacMall: None have shipped yet – they have not received any machines from Apple yet. Apple has said that they will receive machines on June 10th, and so MacMall will start shipping then.
  • MacWarehouse: Apple has given MacWarehouse a date of June 22nd for both the 400 MHz and the 333 MHz models. They have not recieved (and thus, have not shipped) any PowerBooks at all yet.
  • CompUSA: We have had reports of many CompUSAs recieving a few 400 MHz machines each. If you hurry, you might be able to snag one.

For updated price info, be sure to eyeball the PowerPage Lombard Tracker!

By Jason O'Grady

Founded the PowerPage in 1995.