
Jaguar Party Update!

“The cat’s out of the bag,” says Apple. Friday August 23 at 10:30 pm (presumably Eastern time) your local Apple Store will have a Jaguar party. There’s even a rumor of reduced pricing. Since many of us are sore that there’s no upgrade discount for 10.1 buyers before July, we’re hoping for live music, fine champagne, and caviar, but t-shirts will do, of course — we’ll see! Here are more parties:

Twin Cities, MN:First Tech will have a 10.2 party, 10 to midnight, with $109 upgrades (bring a receipt or CD), and a 10.2%-off sale on selected X software and accessories. South Florida: MacCenter in Ft. Lauderdale will have two parties. Friday night is an exclusive 2-hour training preview with copies on sale at 10:20, registration required. All day Saturday (7-7) is a second party with expert demos, X bundles on sale, and a .Mac membership giveaway with website printout. Don Ice, Apple’s .Mac Product Manager, will be on hand all day. Illinois: Glen Ellyn Computers will also have a .Mac raffle and 10:20 sale, open to midnight, reopening Saturday at 8am.

Around the country:If you’re in Witchita, Louisville, Bryn Mawr, PA, Doylestown, PA, or Pittsburgh, our readers report there will be some Jaguar parties at local resellers there as well. Keep those reports coming.

NYC Party: New Yorkers interested in helping plan or attend a PowerPage party in Soho next Friday night, please e-mail me. Given the NY weather though, plan on leopard-skin swimsuits as attire, not coats.

By Jason O'Grady

Founded the PowerPage in 1995.