
HungryFlix Begins Providing Apple TV Content

The Apple TV has been out for a few weeks now. And after all the content you can find around the house has been ripped from your DVD collection, the hunt for additional material to store to the device continues.
The guys over at MacDailyNews are reporting on, a web site which provides independent content for portable media devices such as the Apple TV and Sony PSP. Here, creators can upload their own content while customers can pull down films for a few dollars per title.
Even as the argument over formatting, resolution, playback and the quality of titles available for purchase over in the iTunes Store rages on, there’s always room for a third party to step in and offer something.
Take a look and if you have an opinion on what you see or know of a similar site doing the same thing, let us know.

The Apple TV has been out for a few weeks now. And after all the content you can find around the house has been ripped from your DVD collection, the hunt for additional material to store to the device continues.
The guys over at MacDailyNews are reporting on, a web site which provides independent content for portable media devices such as the Apple TV and Sony PSP. Here, creators can upload their own content while customers can pull down films for a few dollars per title.
Even as the argument over formatting, resolution, playback and the quality of titles available for purchase over in the iTunes Store rages on, there’s always room for a third party to step in and offer something.
Take a look and if you have an opinion on what you see or know of a similar site doing the same thing, let us know.