Is your iPod’s Firewire cable coming apart at the seams? Several of my iPod cables have started to de-sheath. What about you? Click through for a fix…
Is your iPod’s Firewire cable coming apart at the seams? Several of my iPod cables have started to de-sheath. What about you?
The easiest way to fix the dreaded Firewire cable de-coupling is to put a thin layer of Gorilla Glue on the exposed metal part of the FireWire cable being careful not to over-apply. In fact, it is better to slightly under-apply the glue. If you didn’t listen and used too much glue, be sure to wipe it up promptly with a paper towel (and not your fingers or clothes, buddy!).
Beware: Gorilla Glue expands to about twice its size and turns into foam during the curing process. Only use a tiny amount of glue, re-assemble and when she’s dry you should have at least another thousand duty cycles of plugging and unplugging that bad boy.
Speaking of which, is anyone else getting tired of plugging in their iPod every day to download Podcasts? I wish Apple could get it together and provide WiFi sync.