
Griffin Accessorizes the iPod: EarJams and PodPod

Griffin Technology has announced a couple of cool new accessories for the iPod:

Griffin EarJamsGriffin EarJams are US$14.95 clip-on adapters for the iPod’s white earbuds that turn them into better-sounding “in-ear” models (similar to the Sony Fontopia earbuds). The adapters definitely make a noticeable difference in the low end of the spectrum adding deep bass not heard with Apple’s stock headphones. EarJams ship with three sizes of earpads to fit all size ears and come with a carrying case. They feel a little unusual when you first put them on and take them off because you are used to the Apple ‘buds, but once you listen to the sound you’ll be convinced. Shipping at the end of September.
Griffin PodPodGriffin PodPod is a US$9.99 cradle for your iPod or iPod mini that sits in your car’s built-in cup holder. PodPod holds your iPod at a comfortable viewing angle and leaves room for a docking cable to be plugged in. The PodPod is made of a molded foam-rubber material that won’t scratch your iPod and keeps it secure. Shipping in October.

Griffin Technology has announced a couple of cool new accessories for the iPod:

Griffin EarJamsGriffin EarJams are US$14.95 clip-on adapters for the iPod’s white earbuds that turn them into better-sounding “in-ear” models (similar to the Sony Fontopia earbuds). The adapters definitely make a noticeable difference in the low end of the spectrum adding deep bass not heard with Apple’s stock headphones. EarJams ship with three sizes of earpads to fit all size ears and come with a carrying case. They feel a little unusual when you first put them on and take them off because you are used to the Apple ‘buds, but once you listen to the sound you’ll be convinced. Shipping at the end of September.
Griffin PodPodGriffin PodPod is a US$9.99 cradle for your iPod or iPod mini that sits in your car’s built-in cup holder. PodPod holds your iPod at a comfortable viewing angle and leaves room for a docking cable to be plugged in. The PodPod is made of a molded foam-rubber material that won’t scratch your iPod and keeps it secure. Shipping in October.

By Jason O'Grady

Founded the PowerPage in 1995.