
Google Redraws World According to George Bush

An article on The Register by Lester Haines trots out an interesting conspiracy theory about Google Maps and how George Bush has final approval on countries represented in the UK version.

That’s right. In Google’s Brave New World, potential threats to US national security have been neutralized by airbrushing them from the surface of the globe. Naturally, the UK survives the apocalypse by virtue of its “special relationship” with the US.

An article on The Register by Lester Haines trots out an interesting conspiracy theory about Google Maps and how George Bush has final approval on countries represented in the UK version.

That’s right. In Google’s Brave New World, potential threats to US national security have been neutralized by airbrushing them from the surface of the globe. Naturally, the UK survives the apocalypse by virtue of its “special relationship” with the US.

By Jason O'Grady

Founded the PowerPage in 1995.