
Go2Mac Gets Slashdotted

I am happy to report that after getting slashdotted yesterday our new Mac OS-based servers and hosting platform held up miraculously well. The server never crashed or was unavailable despite the crush of additional traffic. Special thanks needs to go to our development team at DangerIsland who built the new system in Lasso and Filemaker – great work guys!

I am happy to report that after getting slashdotted yesterday our new Mac OS-based servers and hosting platform held up miraculously well. The server never crashed or was unavailable despite the crush of additional traffic. Special thanks needs to go to our development team at DangerIsland who built the new system in Lasso and Filemaker – great work guys!

It should also be noted that, for the first time in recent history, our servers held up for the duration of Macworld Expo including our live keynote coverage, again excellent work by DI.

Yesterday at 5:55 EDT Slashdot ran this story:

Metricom’s Ricochet Network Will Go Dark
Posted by Hemos on Thursday August 02, @05:55PM
from the turn-the-lights-off-as-you-go dept.
cloudscout writes “According to this blurb at Go2Mac, the end is finally here for Metricom’s Ricochet Network. Employees are being given one week severance. Now who is going to fill this vacuum? CDPD just doesn’t cut it.”

Surf over to article on Slashdot and contribute your .02 to the ongoing feedback thread. The hilarious cover of Paul Simon’s “Don’t Take my Kodachrome Away” (Mama, don’t take my Ricochet away) about half way down the feedback is worth the trip.

By Jason O'Grady

Founded the PowerPage in 1995.