News Software

Flip4Mac updated to


Late last week, software developer Telestream has released version of Flip4Mac, its QuickTime components package which allows for Windows Media files to be viewed, imported and converted under Mac OS X. The new release, a 66.3 megabyte download, includes the following fixes and changes:

New Features:
– Added support for Retina displays.

– Added the ability to export to iTunes from Flip Player, including exporting both audio and video, or exporting just the audio portion of a movie.

– Added iPad mini and iPod Nano scaling presets.

Fixes and Enhancements:
– Fixed a bug that prevented Flip4Mac from playing ASX files with a bad first entry but a valid second entry.

– Fixed a bug that prevented exports from the Mac App Store version of ScreenFlow due to a sandboxing violation.

– Fixed a bug that could cause Flip Player to crash if a movie was closed while being loaded for trimming.

Flip4Mac is available for free but can go as high as US$179 depending on the version purchased. The new version requires an Intel-based Mac running Mac OS X 10.7 or later to install and run.

If you’ve tried the new version and have any feedback to offer, please let us know in the comments.