
FCC Confidentiality Letter for iPhone Proven Fake

Despite looking and sounding like an authentic duck, the letter sent to the FCC by Apple Inc. asking the government not to disclose any details about the company’s upcoming iPhone device until June 15th has been proven fake (additional details available over at Jason’s Apple Core blog.)
The request actually applies to Apple’s upcoming AirPort Extreme Base Station, which will be Apple’s first generation of wireless router to run on the 802.11n protocol.
If you have any comments or feedback, let us know.

Despite looking and sounding like an authentic duck, the letter sent to the FCC by Apple Inc. asking the government not to disclose any details about the company’s upcoming iPhone device until June 15th has been proven fake (additional details available over at Jason’s Apple Core blog.)
The request actually applies to Apple’s upcoming AirPort Extreme Base Station, which will be Apple’s first generation of wireless router to run on the 802.11n protocol.
If you have any comments or feedback, let us know.