
Extra Key on PowerBook G4

If you look at the PowerBook promotional video that Steve Jobs played at Macworld Expo SF101, during the ‘development video’ for the PowerBook G4 you may notice that in many of the images of the computer there lies a very small space bar, and an extra key to the right of it. In other images, you’ll see the full sized space bar. The small one seems kind of cool, too bad they dropped it from the design.

Apple just posted the video segment from the Keynote for the PowerBook G4.


Before clicking on the PowerBook image with the Jet plane on screen (to start the movie), look at the keyboard. I’m sure if you watch the video, you will see it even more pronounced than on that very apparent image. If you still want the video let me know. It’s fairly blatantly obvious that they omitted the redesigned keyboard infrastructure.

Could this be the extra command key that is missing from the PowerBook? A foreign keyboard perhaps? Weigh in with your conspiracy theory using the feedback link below.

By Jason O'Grady

Founded the PowerPage in 1995.