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Exclusive: EaseUS ToDo Backup for Mac 3.7.2 crash bug discovered when running macOS Sequoia 15.2

There are times when a company truly jumps the shark and refuses to take responsibility for its mistakes. In the case of utility software company EaseUS, this has become apparent with EaseUS ToDo Backup for Mac 3.7.2, which crashes every time the “Destination” button is clicked while creating a new backup under Apple’s macOS Sequoia 15.2 operating system. Over on the EaseUS ToDo Backup for Mac website, the company cites the new version’s increased compatibility with macOS Sonoma 14, the previous version of Apple’s operating system.

First, a little back story. In addition to O’Grady’s PowerPage, I also write for other publications, and during a routine series of tests for EaseUS’ ToDo Backup for Mac, I stumbled across the destination button crash, which occurred on no less than three of my Macs, each running macOS Sequoia 15.2. At this point, I reached out to customer care, wherein I pointed out the crash and sent two crash logs along with the hope they’d be run up the flagpole, sent over to the company’s QA team, placed in front of the developers, and a fix would be on the way. A few days later, an update was released to version 3.7.2, and the issue remained.

It was at this point that the truly interesting comments began coming in from a customer care representative identified as “Cary,” wherein I explained that I was writing a review, Cary replying with such gems as the following:

Hi Chris,

Thank you for your response.

As mentioned before, please use the previous version I sent you before. Unfortunately, EaseUS Todo Backup for Mac will no longer be optimized.

Best regards.




Hi Chris,

Thank you for reaching out to us.

It is possible the latest version of EaseUS Todo Backup for Mac is not compatible with your Mac OS. In this case, I suggest you try if the previous version works better.

Here is the download link:

If you have any additional concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Best regards.




In short, the customer care representative, who was the only person that could be reached (multiple requests to interview other employees within EaseUS went unanswered) replied that I should try working with an older version of the software for the review, as the bug was not present in version ToDo Backup for Mac 3.5.2. It should also be noted that EaseUS is currently distributing ToDo Backup for Mac 3.7.2 as its free demo version, complete with the bug intact.

If there’s a plus side to this, it’s that there is a workaround, and the bug in version 3.7.2 can apparently be avoided by creating a new user account and running it from there, so ToDo Backup for Mac 3.7.2 is conflicting with something and that’s causing the crash. Still, the company representative’s suggestion of reviewing the older version of the software plus the crash itself speak poorly of the overall situation. No one ever said being a developer was easy, the criteria for your products changes all the time, and system updates serve only to keep you on your toes. Still, the developers I know and have known over the years would forego sleep until the crash had been diagnosed, the reason for its existence had been discovered, and a patch had been written, tested, and distributed. This is their work, it’s a living portfolio of who they are and what they do, and they’d only want the best representation of themselves out there.

I honestly hope EaseUS fixes this, gets it out the door, and that there’s no further reason to complain, as the company generally makes good software that’s on par with anything out there, but for this to occur and a company representative to offer the aforementioned rationale is beyond belief, no matter how you slice it.

Please let us know if you’ve seen this issue on your end and we’ll keep you informed as additional details become available.

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