On Wednesday, software company Delicious Monster released version 2.5 of the shareware favorite, Delicious Library. Delicious Monster allows Macs with webcams to scan the bar codes of any book, movie, music CD or video game, then creates an archive based on background information from the Internet. Additional features help keep the library organized and reseller’s tools allow for items to be quickly posted for sale online.
The update, a 20.6 megabyte download, adds the following fixes and changes:
– Fixed a crasher after configuring MobileMe and publishing. Me am stupid.
– Fixed crasher in configuring FTP sites. Yes, another one.
– Fixed a memory leak creating images when publishing collections to the web, which made largish collections slow down the machine, run out of memory, and then crash during publishing. There’s a theme, huh?
– Recycle memory more efficiently when publishing collections, so very large collections (14,000+ items) now can publish without slowing down, running out of memory, and crashing. Because programming is hard.
– We now filter errant control characters out of the data we publish, because sometimes our data providers have extra garbage in their descriptions, and that would end up blocking publishing because it generated invalid HTML, which threw an internal error.
– Fixed a crasher in publishing if there was a warning the HTML generated that wasn’t fatal. I don’t know if this ever happened in real life, but, hey, less ways to crash is good.
– We now update our publishing progress HUD every 10 items instead of every page, so you can see what’s going on if you have, say, 14,000 items. (Also, seriously, 14,000 items are going to take a LONG time to upload to your website.)
– We now check to see if the user wants to cancel MUCH more often, so publishing doesn’t appear to have hung the app. You can see we’ve really learned a lot from people with these huge collections.
– Removed publishing to iWeb, because iWeb is a private format, and we thought we understood it, but were wrong. We apologize. If you’d like to continue using the old buggy iWeb support, from Terminal you can re-enable support with “defaults write com.delicious-monster.library2 enableBuggyiWeb -bool true”.
Full release notes can be found here and Delicious Library 2.5 retails for US$40 and requires Mac OS X 10.5 or later to install and run.