White iPods are SO summer `04.
Instead, forget the Apple logo, save your cash, and get a steal on an HP iPod. You can get a full 20GB at iPod mini prices: 20GB are as low as $254, while 40GB HP’s are just $344. Buy.com can get you your 20GB HP $269.99 shipped free or 40GB version $359.99 shipped free. If you don’t like the color, cover it up with one of those new HP skins.
Meanwhile, if you believe ‘rumor site’ Forbes.com, Apple is set to introduce a black iPod at the upcoming U2 event. Black definitely gets my vote for coolest iPod option. Preload it with Hillary Duff and I’ll still want it (and reformat it, naturally). And, of course, there’s the exclusive silver iPod reported here on the PowerPage a few days ago.